Weekly deliveries. To order, click on the picture.
Welcome to Kleinhans Free Range Farm, 10km outside Cullinan. This platform allows you to order directly from the farmer—no middleman is in the loop. Alwyn and Margaux (Margie) Kleinhans started Kleinhans Free Range Chickens in 2016.
Guaranteed to be free from gross hormones, animal by-products, fish meal, brine, and free-range chicken feed, it is undoubtedly worth the taste. After extensive research, we have all the requirements for free-range chicken feed.
The feed is certified to contain NONE of the following:
- Routine antibiotics
- Hormones
- Antibiotic growth promoters (AGP’s)
- Coccidiostats
- Animal by-products
- Fish meal
Furthermore, Kleinhans chickens are humanely slaughtered at an abattoir registered under the Meat Safety Act (No. 40 of 2000). The meat is Frozen 24 to 36 hours after receipt from the abattoir and stored in a big walk-in freezer on the farm, ready for delivery.
Alwyn is a firm believer in humane farming methods, and each conventional Broiler house is extended with an open-air camp, which allows for the chickens to roam freely.
Since then, their operations have expanded to supply other free-range meats from time to time, such as lamb, pork, and beef. They pride themselves on being one of the very few farmers who can provide affordable, trustworthy, free-range meat products and the only farmer in Gauteng who supplies NON-GMO directly to the end user. . Due to popular demand, they also expand to supply GMO-free chickens. For more info, contact Margie at 082-443-6534
Click on the picture for details about our GMO-free products.
GMO-free chickens are the perfect choice for your family because they are packed with nutrients and free from genetically modified organisms. After extensive research, we manufactured our chicken feed without harmful chemicals. Our feed is certified to contain No Routine antibiotics, Hormones, Antibiotic Growth Promoters (APGs), Coccidiostats, Animal by-products, or Fish meal.
Click on the picture for recipes.
Discover the top 3 types of meat recommended by Dr. William Li that can help combat disease and fight cancer. Learn about the powerful impact these meats can have on your health and how incorporating them into your diet may boost your well-being. Click here to watch and learn more about disease-fighting foods!
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